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Caligula ascends to the throne.īirth of the historian Flavius Josephus, in Jerusalem.īirth of the Emperor Nero, in the town of Antium.Ĭaligula marches with the legions to Germania in a 'mock' campaign.Ĭaligula bridges the Bay of Naples with boats from Baiae to PuteoliĬaligula marches to the English Channel with the intention of invading Britain. Naevius SutoriusĮstimated date of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.īirth of the Emperor Otho in the city of Ferentium.ĭeath of Tiberius on the island of Capri. Livia, the wife of Augustus, dies in Rome at the age of 86.īirth of the Emperor Nerva in the city of Narnia.Įxecution of Sejanus, for conspiracy against Tiberius. John the Baptist is executed by Herod Antipas, son of King Herod Tiberius retires to his estate on Capri, effectively giving Sejanus unlimited imperial authority. Pontius Pilate is appointed as the prefect of Judaea. The aqueduct, the Pont du Gard, is completed near modern Nimes inĮmperor Tiberius transfers the elections from the popularĭeath of the Roman writer Ovid, who died in Tomis, Moesia while exile, apparantly because of offenses to Augustus' moral code.ĭeath of Germanicus, possibly but not necessarily by the direct order of Tiberius.Ĭonstruction of the Castra Praetoria (Praetorian barracks) by Sejanus is completed and the Praetorians are forever changed into a political force.īirth of the Roman historian Pliny the Elder, in the town of Novum Aelius Sejanus is appointed as Praetorian Prefect.ĭeath of the Roman historian Livy, in the city of Patavium, Italy. Germanicus Caesar campaigns against the Germanic tribes. Of Augustus which is quelled by Germanicus Mutiny of the Rhine legions upon the news of the death The Ara Pacis (Altar of Peace) is completed by Augustus in Rome.ĭeath of the Emperor Augustus, in the city of Nola in Italy. Quintilius ending in a complete route (including the destruction of 3 legions) for Rome. The Battle of Teutoburg Forest between P. The future emperor Claudius is appointed an augur, his only officialīirth of the Emperor Vespasian in the town of Reate. Adoption of Tiberius as heir to Augustus after the deaths of Gaius

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